Thursday, August 4, 2011

Nobody's The Same... [Prompt 22]

style="font-family: 'The Girl Next Door', cursive;

August 4, 2011

Ignore that above  'style-"font-family:' whatever at the top...that's the font I WANT to use, but my blog ignores me so you know what blog??!?! I'mma just leave that code there. So blah. xD On to the promptttttt! I am sooooo far into this 42 day challenge! Over halfway~ :)

Prompt 22 - What Makes You Different From Everyone Else - Thursday
"What makes you DIFFERENT, makes you BEAUTIFUL!" ~Backstreet Boys xD

Well, prompt, to be honest, everyone is different from everyone else. Everyone was made unique...face structures, eye shape/size/and color, hair color/type, skin color/type, organs and their viability, healthiness, personalities, whether they have a disorder/disease or not, the list goes on and on. How am I different? 

I'm not sure...there's a lot...I'm smaller than others my age, my eyes change color, the sun changes my hair color at times, adding in blonde and/or red to my light brown/dirty blonde hair...and sometimes even making my hair a dark brown WTH?, I'm left handed, I have braces at the moment [on my teeth and for my back...scoliosis sucks, but I'll be out of it soon.] Uhhh....I'm very serious about basketball because that is my favorite sport to play. I blog a lot and can be super with me for a while and you'll see what I mean xD. I tend to be quiet around people I don't know well and I have trust issues at times. I'm a Junior this year at 15...why?...because I skipped 5 year old kindergarten when I was young ;) I've changed schools only once...twice if you include  kindergarten. I used to do gymnastics when I was about four or five, but after one year I hated it and quit. When I was young I dreamed of being a vet and even today that's still my dream profession, not many can say that. 

Wow that's a lot...and its just general information about myself that I'm sure I may have already shared before...but like I said before, everyone's different so everything about everyone could be considered their differencies with others. [red line of doom...differencies can so be a word...I could've sworn it was...just like could've...Google Chrome you have no idea what you are talking about... xD]  

Am I right? Because I mean, practically all people may have the same basic structure as another, but when it all boils down to characteristics, personalities, and traits; there will be few similarities and many differences. I mean sure, I'm left handed and you might be too, but let's face it there's more right handed people in the world than left. I've been in school for 10 years and in my class, I've been the only lefty for 8 of them. Two years ago we finally get another lefty, but he's a mean person who I do not speak of much like that other person I do not speak of...much... Anywho, and yesterday in volleyball I find out my new friend is also a lefty where as the rest on the team, minus me, are righties. But still, the ratio is like 2:10 maybe...[two being lefties and ten being righties.] ...sorry that's the only example that I could think of off the bat xD

Anyway, I'm done here xD I'm off to Best Buy to get a new Call of Duty game~ :) ...i do NOT have a problem...I can become un-addicted to it...I promise xD

*~Keep your lights shining bright, high in the sky~* Dare to be different! Don't be afraid to go past your shell to be your real self. Be yourself and if others cannot accept that...that heck with them :)

*~KayKay <333 

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