Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Breathing Is A Luxury.

August First-Second, 2011

"Breathing is a luxury..."                   

Recognize that lyric? No? Hollywood Undead anyone? Mother Murder is the song...

"Breathing is a luxury that I just shouldn't have
My heart just keeps on beating and it's more than you can stand
Baby please just tell me how we ever went so wrong
We used to sing together when we used to sing this song
We can never sing forever cause now my voice is gone
Guess I'm gone forever and you knew it all along.."

But anywho, I guess maybe this could be called another pondering...but maybe not? Who knows, call it what you want~

But what I know is, that lyric "Breathing Is A Luxury that I just shouldn't have"
is, well, true.. Think about it...we shouldn't have breathing, which is basically saying we don't deserve it, because well face it, humans are cruel beings. Very cruel. Some crueler than others. And well if there wasn't some higher being up there, we wouldn't have life much less breathing. If He didn't continually forgive us for our wrongdoings, we'd be no where, we'd be dead. [I realize that not all my viewers are of the Christian religion like I, but *correct me if I'm wrong please* all religions basically have some greater thing/god/God that created everything and gave us life and whatnot, yes? *Correct me if I'm wrong oh please do* :) ] 

And I've been thinking...breathing IS a luxury. A luxury that many people would kill...oh bad choice of words...a luxury that many people would LOVE to have back. Because people die everyday from diseases and some kind of cause. Even people who committed suicide would love the gift of breath back because, from what I've heard and read and studied and whatnot; after they do it, in the moments where they're still alive but not going to make it [unless someone miraculously finds them in a matter of minutes] they regret doing it. They regret it and wish for someone to help them. They want breath. They want their heart to continue beating. Like people who self harm themselves, they only do it to get rid of their emotional pain, something to cover that up. After they do it and see the blood and whatnot, they regret it. Wondering WTH possessed them to do it...well that might not be the case for everyone, but from what I've heard and read, it happens that way to many. 

But think of people who very much wanted to live, but was stuck on bed rest due to an extremely deadly disease that had no cure. Think of how they feel when they take that last breath knowing it's their last. Knowing they couldn't get better unless some kind of miracle happened. Think of how they feel knowing that someone somewhere else was just throwing their life away when, in fact, there's others who'd give up everything just to have one more day of one more year to be with those they love.

 I guess that's how I want to put it...I mean see how breathing is a luxury? 

Yet many just throw that all away. Many get wasted daily, smoke three packs daily, and do many other harmful things daily, when in their mind they KNOW it's wrong....but they do it anyway. They do it so much it's an addiction and addictions are hard to get to rid of. Very much hard to rid yourself of. And all they are doing is shortening their life span, their air intake. 

But, I'm not one to tell people how to live their life, because it could get ugly...and all. And this post isn't to tell you how to live your life...just saying...but instead, dissecting a lyrical verse from a song by a great band that typically writes darkish things and this lyrical verse stood out above them all and I wanted to share this truth with you all. If you smoke, drink, do drugs, self harm, etc, I'm not saying to quit cold turkey because that's not how to do things...well maybe for some...but if you want to quit because this made brought you into a whole new light or whatever, start by cutting back little by little. ^^  And I'm not trying to make others feel bad because they do things like that, I'm really not...I'm just...expressing my realization of how breathing is a luxury. 

And I realize I should have realized that breathing in itself was a luxury before, but I've never seen it that way. I saw electricity, cold/hot water, beds, a house, cars, family, and technology and things as a luxury...but in fact breathing is one also. That verse made me think and shed a whole new light on breathing and life. Did it to you? 

Anyway, keep your lights shining bright~ 
*~KayKay <3


  1. Totally love Hollywood Undead.
    Gosh this was a powerful post really.
    iNever thought of it that way. We really should live life to the fullest.

  2. Yes, same here :) HU is totally amazing~ ^w^
    And thanks! :D I actually had no idea what to say which is why it took two days xD But thanks, I see it turned out better than I thought ^^
    Indeed, life is nothing to toy with, you never know when you'll take that last breath.
