Wednesday, August 3, 2011

'Cause It Makes Me Happy~ [Prompt 21]

August 3, 2011

See what I did there in the title? Old school Drake And Josh song ;D ...nevermind on to the prompt xD  **cookies to anyone who remembers that episode**

Prompt 21 - A Picture Of Something  Pictures Of Things That Makes Make Me Happy - Wednesday **because one thing would be lying** ;)


2**Family & Friends~ 
Because since this is a fairly new computer and I haven't any pics of my fam[ily] on here :/ And putting pics of just my friends wouldn't be fair ;D Moving on...



Redneck...? Not at all ;) Southern...? Yessssss. 

They're so cute and funny and just fun to be around! And kids love me xD ...maybe because, like many of my friends have said, I'm closer to their size? x-x 

Doesn't matter if it's a doggeh, kitteh, panda, tiger, fisheh, dolphin, or whatever I just adore animals! heck with snakes, that's one animal I do not like. No way. And bugs aren't animals, so we're good there ;) 

8**The Interwebs~ :D

How can you NOT smile at that cute Pokemon? My fave since the original 200 something Pokemon <3 

10***FOOD! :D
Especially something as unhealthy as french fries <3 *noms*

Well that's what makes me happy :)I'm sure I could've added a few more things...but oh well ten is enough :D

 What makes you happy? 

Thanks for the comments~ :D I'll reply soon~ :D

OH EM GEE! I fixed TUMBLR! ...well the Tumblr people did...I emailed them and they fixed my account :D It is no longer broked~ :)

Keep your lights shining~
*~KayKay <3

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