Thursday, August 18, 2011

I Didn't Cheat On This {Prompt 37 & 40}

August 18, 2011

I'm starting this off by saying I did not cheat on Prompt 37. My room is typically always is clean-ish. My brother puts his toys and crap like that in my room and plays while he watches TV but before he goes to bed I make sure he puts everything away...maybe I'm a little OCD...I don't know x-x And in the mornings, it's a habit to straighten my bedspread up so nice and neat. It's a habit to make sure my room looks presentable in case of any surprise visitors that may want to creep around in my room, I don't know x-x, But it's prompt time...

Prompt 37 - A picture of your room & don’t cheat by cleaning it. Share a secret. - Thursday
And that's part of my room. My bed which my brother threw a Pikachu on before I snapped the photo...but Pikachu's awesome xD. My fish's tank which is not that's so much prettier and clear in my room xD Lighting error I suppose? And my shoesssss<3 And a few of my books... The thingy with the plaid covers is my brother's mattress from his bottom bunk, he wanted to sleep in my room one night so we pulled that in and have been too lazy to put it back xD

Like I said, that's only part of would have taken three pictures to cover it all xD But you're not missing much...just my dresser and my hatsssss, my blue shelf, my TV and multitude of pictures and Xbox and Wii, my desk and cd rack, my bulletin board of sport's medals. That's all~

**Secret Time**
-whispers- I have done this before I believe...but oh well. I tend to over analyze/over think things...all the time. And I second guess myself too much...I have a very low self confidence level...*shrugs* Terrible secrets I know xD But my mind went blankkkk.

Prompt 40 - Share a story about your past that you are ashamed of - Thursday
Gosh I don't know. Possibly the time when I was five and taking gymnastics, which I later quit because I hated gymnastics.., and we had an expedition and afterwards, I saw a little gold walnut looking thing and I picked it up and my friend picked one up and the teacher lady told her to put it down, and my mom got me and took me home since it was over. Later I felt guilty and told my mom I stole it and I'm soooo sorry. My mom just laughed at me and said it was okay that it was just a fake gold painted plastic walnut thing, it wasn't like it was money or candy. Somehow that pops into my mind first. xD Silly, I know but I was five and didn't know any better xD

So that's all the prompts for today...only two more tomorrow and I will be done with my 42 Day Challenge D: But I can say I made it out alive and didn't quit!!!! :) Gosh that was fun! I will have to do another soon :)

*~Keep your lights shining~ And keep your spirits high like a kite in the sky~


  1. Awesome post. *lol* I loved that first picture:P

  2. x P Omg your room.
    My room is worse it really needs to be cleaned soon.
    Also yeah the 1st photo is funny.
    Aha nice story at the end though. We all take things sometimes ~
