Saturday, July 16, 2011

Yes, I Am Aware I Am Slack...[Prompts 02-04]

July 16, 2011

Well yesterday was a hectic day, I will explain in a later blog post today xD So I'm here with yesterday's, today's, and tomorrow's Challenge Prompts...YAY! Oh and if this seems unfinished, I will update it later, I have work to do at the moment and I'm doing this secretly undercover...shhhhh!

So without further ado, 

Prompt 02 - Friday - The meaning behind your Blog name
 Wow, really? [Insert Catchy Name Here] was just random because I couldn't think of anything I liked at that particular moment. And I like it now, so it's staying xD 

Prompt 03 - Saturday - A picture of you and your friends
Ashley [grey-ish shirt], Tyler [middle], and Me [dark grey shirt]
So I totally had to go to Facebook and jack a picture from my friend's album....this is a picture from Fourth of July weekend of Ash, Tyler, and myself. We were walking around at the lake at night and were playing on the playground. We are epic xD

Prompt 04 - Sunday - A habit that you wish you didn’t have 
Yes, I'm a nail biter x-x... I'm not nervous or anything, it's just a horrible habit I've had since I was younger. x-x I'm trying to stop though, putting nail polish on helps a lot...I haven't bitten my nails in about a week or so, so that's a good start. ^w^  But that would be a habit I wish I did not have. x-x

Well there you are, Prompts 02-04...or Friday, Today, and Sunday's prompts. I will have another blog post coming up later, I will probably do that when I go over to my friend's house...but I have exciting news :D 

Anyways, Keep your lights shining bright~


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