Thursday, July 21, 2011

Cyber-bullying Is Wrong...{And Spoilers}

July 21, 2011

Today's topic is cyber-bullying. Sunday night on ABC Family, a movie premiered. It was called Cyberbully. I missed the first thirty minutes and watched the middle thirty minutes before falling asleep...curse you commercials...and I was devastated I missed it. So I found it came on again last night, Wednesday, at nine. So I watched it, even the parts I already seen previously. I watched it and my heart broke. After it was over, I had a tear in my eye and it rolled down my cheek. I never cry, ever, so I could tell it was a great movie. It's definitely something I'll watch's something I'd buy when it comes out on DVD. It's something I'll keep and watch over and over. So...I'm going to share what the movie was about, okay? Some spoilers. If you want to see the movie and don't want to read the spoilers, skip down to the bottom of the page~

Cyberbully an ABC Family Original Movie. SYNOPSIS 

There's this girl, her name is Taylor, and she has a best friend named Samantha/Sammi and another friend named Cheyenne...she has limited access to the family computer and has an over protective mother who watches her every move on there. The next day Taylor turns 17 and her mom gives her her own personal laptop that she can do whatever with as long as she doesn't go on any inappropriate sites. 

Everyone at her school goes on a new site called Cliquesters...similar to FaceBook we learn. Taylor starts flirting with the popular jock Scott at school. Her friend Sammi tells Taylor that scott is just like her ex Charlie, who got what he wanted with her and left. Taylor says Scott is nothing like that and he proceeds to ask her to the dance. When she gets home, Taylor makes a Cliquesters page and who's her first friend? Scott. Then the school mean girl, Lindsay, comments a mean comment on Taylor's picture. But Taylor ignores it.

The next day, a guy from a different school, named James, adds her online. Taylor accepts because he's cute and sweet-talked her. Bad idea.
The next day, someone hacks her profile and changes her status to something nasty and slimy and everyone begins to call her a slut and a whore. We find out her brother did this. He's grounded for a month. And she gets her computer taken for 3 days. She still checks cliquesters via her friends' phones and laptops to see what the people are saying about her.
    Soon, James turns on Taylor and posts a lie that she had taken her clothes off for him for only $5. Taylor then falls into a deeper depression. She doesn't tell her mom though. Cheyenne can't take begin labeled a whore and a slut with Taylor so she bails. Sammi still stays by her though. 
    But when Scott breaks their dance date and Lindsay and her scum bag circle of friends post a video of 'Taylor' on cliquesters, Taylor is devastated and makes a farewell video and posts it. Sammi then rushes over to find Taylor trying to open some pills.
   At the end, Taylor gets help and goes to group therapy and we learn the 'James' is actually Sammi trying to teach Taylor a lesson...but it spiraled out of control, obviously. And when Taylor goes back to school, she confronts Lindsay and Scott, Cheyenne, and Sammi back her up. And they end up getting the law against cyberbullying passed for that state. And it ends, better than you thought it would. 
***Spoilers Are Now Over***

So now that the background is out of the way, I can get to my real point. The end credits of the movie stated that 16/50 states do NOT have the law against cyberbullying...and I was like *jaw drop* WTF. And the movie spoke to me, like literally, and you know how everyone in this universe has a specific purpose and plan? {Well...if you believe in that..if not that's okay *pats*} Well after seeing the movie, with a tear rolling down my cheek, I felt something. After seeing that there's still 16 states out there that don't have the law passed, I thought of the thousands of kids and teens out that who are being bullied online...RIGHT NOW. Kids and teens that are too scared and worried to tell anyone about it, kids and teens that may be debating suicide or are self-harming themselves, right at this very second. Scary isn't it? 

Well I want the internet to be a safe place for teens, where they don't have to feel scared each time they log into facebook thinking 'Oh geez, I hope *insert name here* hasn't said anything else about me...' or 'Oh geez what am I even doing on here? I'm just going to get harrassed...' I mean technology is booming and teens are going to use it if they have it in reach. There's no stopping them. I mean we have internet on our PHONES for Christ's sake. Our phones! So parents say 'no using the computer.' we say 'sweet I still got my phone...with internet.' or we say 'sweet I still got Xbox Live or internet via Wii or Nintendo DSi web...or whatever.' We still have the technology, that's not going to stop us. Or what if we don't have game consoles with the web? Mommy and Daddy didn't get web access on your phone? No problem, that's what friends are for right? 

So kids and teens have access anyway you put it. What's the first thing most kids and teens go on online?? Social networks. Twitter, MySpace, Skype, FaceBook...typical number one on their list. That's the best place to get cyberbullied on also. I speak from experience. I was cyberbullied by my own Aunt...I've disowned her now...but she wrote some pretty nasty things about me on FaceBook and SHE blocked ME and my best friend and my best friend's mom and all...and friended many of the people on my friend's I feel targeted and am paranoid that it will happen again, so thus I never get on FaceBook anymore unless I need to check on something important such as sports camps and all. But yes, I am a voucher, it hurts. I still have that printed's been a year since it happened and it still haunts me. And what my aunt wrote about was none of her business any way. But that's enough of that.

I just want to help all the kids and teens that feel like I did. I want them to feel safe. I want them to feel protected so that if Sue Snob writes on Ally Gator's wall saying she's a 'dirty slut who deserves to die' then Ally Gator could print it out and take it to the authorities and they would take care of it. Because no body deserves to have lies spread about them, especially online. Because once it's posted, everyone can see it. Everyone. Whether they are your friend or not, there's things called hacking and it's done daily. And also, you're slandering that person. Slander is against the law and you can be prosecuted for it. 

And besides, why talk trash about someone else?? Does it make you feel good about yourself?? Knowing that you're hurting someone?? What if you don't know that person well?? You're joking?? What if they take you seriously?? What if they don't know you're joking?? What if they saw your words of hate constantly and wanted to rid the pain?? What if they never told anyone? What if they fell into depression? What if they decided to kill themselves because obviously no one cares if you say hateful things? Then their blood would be on your hands. And you'd be the cause to their death. You'd be an accessory...technically...if they found out what you did. What if someone turned the tables on you and called you a nasty name or spread a nasty rumor about you? It's not funny now is it. know, tone isn't clarified well in you can't tell if someone is joking or serious...well obviously this is serious...but just remember, if you send someone a message that says, 'Hey scum bag :)' they know you're joking, obviously by the emote-icon. But if you get a text that says 'hey scum bag' ...then you wonder, 'are they serious? are they joking?' That's a reason why I use emote-icons in practically every text to convey the feeling. A  :( for sadness, :'( for crying, D: for uh oh oh no!,  :/ for ehh that sucks, :D for excited-ness, lol xD for joking, :) for happiness, ^w^ for normal everyday texts to convey a happy mood, :O for omg no way, o.O for wow really, v.v for sleepy, n.n for cute happy and so on and so on. I use those in my everyday text talk so the person on the other end doesn't get offended and such. ^w^

Oh! Cyberbullying isn't limited to JUST online stuff like social networks, e-mails, blogs [targeting, blacklists, etc.], YouTube, Tumblr, chat rooms,'s also on phones...texting, calling, etc...and on Xbox Live and game console's everywhere. And as technology flourishes, it's not going to get any better. Trust me. I mean, I like my technology [laptop, phone, iPod, internet, game consoles, tv, etc] but you don't have to abuse it and hurt others. 

Did you know...
**31,000 suicides a year in the U.S., the 3rd leading cause of death in people 15 – 24 years old, and the 11th leading cause over all age groups[4].

**A suicide typically happens every 40 seconds.

  • 43% of teens aged 13 to 17 report that they have experienced some sort of cyberbulying in the past year.[1]

  • More girls are cyberbullys than boys (59% girls and 41% boys).[2

  • Cyberbullies spend more time online than other teens overall (38.4 hours compared to 26.8 hours).[3]

  • Cyberbullies are more likely to have engaged in sexting (31% vs. 19% for teens overall).[4]

  • 34% of those who have had any engagement in cyberbullying have been both a cyberbully and been cyberbullied.[5]

  • 68% of teens agree that cyberbullying is a serious problem with today’s youth.[6]Reasons cyberbullies said they engaged in cyberbullying:[7]
o   To show off to friends (11%)
o   To be mean (14%)
o   Something else (16%)
o   To embarrass them (21%)
o   For fun or entertainment (28%)
o   They deserved it (58%)
o   To get back at someone (58%)
  • 81% of youth agree that bullying online is easier to get away with than bullying in person.[8]

  •  80% think it is easier to hide online bullying from parents than in-person bullying[9] 

The link above is where I got those stats.

But think about these stats...they're sad aren't they. Now think about what you're posting on the internet..think about what you're texting someone...

Think about the mood you're conveying, remember your emote-icons!!!!

So anywho, I have a plan to change those 16 states...I have a plan to contact those states' legislative and get that law passed. Because NOBODY should ever feel like an outcast. NOBODY should feel like they're alone. NOBODY should feel like they have to hide from the internet and social sites and whatnot. NOBODY. 

Think about it and think before you send that IM, that text, that post, that status update. Think. Because slander is wrong. And cyberbullying is extremely wrong. Think.
Megan was 13 and was befriended by a guy on was a fake account...'he' got Megan to tell 'him' a lot of secrets and personal things. 'He' got close to her and they talked daily...then he turned and exploited her secrets to everyone. Megan was hurt and hung herself. It turns out the 'guy' Megan was walking to was my ex-best friend's mother who was angry because Megan and her daughter were no longer friends. So she targeted Megan and Megan commited suicide. Thirteen years young. R.I.P Megan~*

Are you or do you know someone who's a victim of cyberbullying?? Are you or do you know someone who's the actual bully in the act?  Here's some ways to prevent cyberbullying:

**On Social Sites***
-Print out what they say. Use it as evidence.
-Block them.
-Take your information to the authorities, they can do a huge difference and can possibly get their account shut down.
-TELL SOMEONE!! [Parents, a trusted teacher,  a friend, anyone you're comfortable talking to!]
-Take down your own account.
-Or if you can't do that ^^ Then avoid getting on the site more than you have to. 

**On Cell Phones***
-Save and Lock the texts that you find offending.
-Block the number
-TELL SOMEONE!! [Parents, a trusted teacher,  a friend, anyone you're comfortable talking to!]

*~Keep your light's shining, because if YOU don't then WHO will???



  1. CyberBully was really moving movie.
    iHave yet to post about it because iFeel like watching it one more time.
    The facts you posted were really amazing though.
    iReally didn't know all of that there.

  2. My immersion in the movie was broken when she started up her new computer and Adobe didn't ask to update. Also she could operate the child lock on the pills in her late teens.
