Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Random and YouTube People...

June 29, 2011

So...I really want to make a blog post today, but I haven't the slightest what it should be about...well I'll just start with one new update on my coon hound had her puppies the other day :) She had eight little puppers, 3 boys and 5 girls. ^w^ We are keeping two...a boy and a girl. The boy has a lightning bolt shaped marking on his collar area and the girl we're waiting for. xD

Okay so now I know what I was going to say...YouTube..not YouTube in general...YouTube people...not them in general...but Chris Crocker..(s)he has many videos out, you may be familiar with. Now about three months ago, I was at my best friend's house just messing around on YouTube, seeing the Top Favorited, Top Viewed, Top Rated, oh you know! And one video was like 20 seconds long and the title? Chris Crocker Blinking. WTF. So curious teens we were, clicked on it and watched this chick just blink for 20 seconds. Wow big achievement~! You are smarter than the average newborn baby, good job. xD Now I'm not one to diss people...but that was ridiculous. That video was pointless and not funny what so ever. 'Oh look everyone, I can be a YouTube star too! Watch me I better than Crocker/???' -.-' But anywho, when I got home I thought...maybe all her videos aren't crap. So I watched most of them...and I discovered holy crap she's a dude! x.x He cross-dresses as a Britney Spears wanna-be person girl...yeah. Is it just me or whenever he's dressed as a girl does he look like Shane Dawson's character Sha-Nay-Nay ? 

Crocker as a girl...: 

Sha-Nay-Nay : 

Can you see the resemblance??? Not to be rude to ShaneDawson though, because I fricking love his videos!!!! ^w^ 

Now I agree with a few of Crocker's videos like the one that talks about how people shouldn't look at someone or something and say 'that's so gay' ...because that's just mean and could really hurt someone without you even knowing it, ya never know.  But there are many of his videos disturb me...some are meant to be funny I guess...but having some guy dressed as a girl yelling crap at me, basically harassing me, through YouTube is so unacceptable! 

I must admit, the 'Leave Britney Alone' video made me laugh...until I found out he was serious! 'Leave Britney Alone she doesn't need all this right now and blahblahblah.' I'm sorry Britney...but Britney gave herself a bad rep by going around dressing slutty, getting hooked on drugs, turning to alcohol,  shaving her head because she went bonkers, had kids at a young age of 23, she didn't keep jobs, boyfriends came and went, was she even married when that first kid was born? , and all that fighting with her boyfriend/husband over child custody...he SHOULD have gotten the kids. Britney was emotionally unstable and I would have been scared for those babies! And doing anything else I didn't list...Britney deserved all that critique. She really did. Sorry Britney, but now I believe you realize you screwed a lot of things up. But now Britney is making a come-back...her wardrobe in her music least for Dancing Til The World Ends...she is fully clothed! Hardly any unnecessary skin showing! Britney is changing, I do believe that. But not because people are 'leaving her alone' like Crocker wanted. She's changing because she wants to. Britney, good going for that. Your music is getting better. Keep it up.  

Another problem with Crocker's videos is he can get so loud and when his voice rises, how he talks gets so annoying! x.x We don't need you to yell at us to get the point across...we get it, k? Just speak in your normal tone, do NOT make all those twisted facial's not attractive to anyone. But anywho, that's what I have to say today. It's witty and serious at the same time ;) 

Don't think I'm trying to hate on's just I don't like his videos except a certain few...I am entitled to my own opinion and that is it. Thanks guys~

So yep, that's all for today. I will be gone for a week because I'll be lake bound :D But if I get the chance to take my laptop, I will update my blog while I'm gone because lake got some wi-fi ;D 

Well i gotta go bribe my dad to let me take the laptop...Peace!

Wave your lighters in the sky~


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