Friday, June 17, 2011

Purple Unicorn Glitter...WTF?

June 17, 2011

So the topic today is Purple Unicorn Glitter....I know what you're thinking....WTF!? Allow me to friends and I have really...weird conversations via text message..really weird. Last night was probably one of the weirdest conversations I've had yet. xD I'll post it....withholding all names xp

Background: So...we were talking about awkward things that happened yesterday. I told about how a ghetto looking tahoe slowed by my house and beeped the horn and sped off while I was outside chilling. Then some things were asked and I felt awkward and changed the subject. Then this happened xD

Me: This subject is dead.
Friend: Why you wanna change the subject?
Me: What subject? The one that died? *opens topic's grave* It's not there anymore, it biodegraded into the earth's core and got burned up and the ashes were taken to Australia....darn. xD
Friend: I went to Australia to get it. Beat that.
Me: Oh really now? You're too late! A giant whale came out of the ocean and swallowed the topic and the little shrimp that was already in the whale's belly fed on it and then the shrimps died from little oxygen and the whale's digestive juices digested the shrimp until there was nothing left, so the topic is obviously gone and can never be found again...The end. ..Thank you very much. .Now beat THAT! :D
Me: Yep. 

Friend: ...What? 
Me: You must watch IDEK: Little Kids. It's hilarious! 
Friend: ...what?
Me: Nevermind x.x Next time I come over, you're watching it.
Friend: ..okay. And unicorn glitter?
Me: Yeahhh...I made that part up...OBVIOUSLY xD
Friend: Gummy fish.
Me: ...yeah that's not funny. xD
Friend: ...Epic fail whale. D:
Me: There ya go xD

{Note: The two scenarios above DO NOT both pertain to the background given. The second scenario was completely different and random.}

Now another weird conversation was a typo. A fricking measly typo. xD 
I have no clue what the original convo was about but I said 'om' I meant 'OK' but a typo caused 'om' And my friend was like 'WTF is om?' I was like 'what? oh..I meant 'ok' xD' Then I pondered a while figuring out what 'om' could actually be...I knew it was from something...then randomly I burst into the convo with this 'I KNOW WHAT OM IS NOW!' 'What?' 'It's what meditators say when they are meditating! They go ommmm ommmm ommmm' 'Wow. You my friend think wayyyyyyy too much.' 'Hehe xD'

Yeah so that is all for today....
Be sure to go out and buy the new BAD MEETS EVIL cd! The album is HELL: THE SEQUEL !
Also go to YouTube and watch IDEK by DesandNate ! They are wickedly funny! :)

Put your lighters to the sky,


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