Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day!

September 5, 2011

Happy Labor Day everyone!

Sorry I haven't posted this weekend as I promised before...sadly things came up and I no time to blog or even use the internet much. :/ And I nearly had no time today, and still don't really, since I have to get things together for school starting tomorrow.. I know, I'm a procrastinator. xD 

So here I am today wishing you all a Happy Labor Day and I hope you all are enjoying your day off! Whether it be from school or work~ Enjoy it :D 

Now I must find myself a backpack...since my other two from last year broke...and now I am backpack-less D: Time to bum one from my brother ;D 

Just to give you all a head's up...the next time I'll post will probably be Friday. I highly doubt anything earlier since I get out of school at 4 and then have practice Tuesday and Thursday til 6 and on Wednesday I will be staying after school for a session with my guidance counselor so I can get prepared for the SAT and ACTs... A busy KayKay is busy D: 

And excuse the lack of pictures and things...D: 

Beautiful by Eminem <3 << Listen to this song. It's amazing and I love it so~ 
"Don't let anyone say you ain't beautiful...they can all get effed just stay true to you~"  {Note: Explicit words are in this youtube vid...just saying xD}

And now I must finish getting my school crap together x-x Wanna trade places? :) 

*~Keep your chins up and your lights shining~ 

I remember Lite Brite's from when i was a little kid...they were so awesome :)
You're all beautiful!!!! :)


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