Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Don't Worry, I'm Still Alive!!

November 23, 2011

Well, it's been a while since I've blogged...I've missed it and I've missed you all too! I promised to write when I had a Friday off from school...but well things came up and I was unable to and now I feel I need to get back into the swing of things. One more Friday to make up {December 9th} and I will be back to blogging once a week if all goes well~ :)


October 30 ~ I had my sixteenth birthday! It was nice. I didn't have an extravagant party with flame jugglers, I didn't have Eminem bust up with an amazing birthday rap, I didn't get a 2012 Camaro with the works, I didn't get a Lambo nor a Jaguar, I didn't get a car at all. I had a choice. Have a gigantic party with a small, inexpensive Christmas in December{expensive now.} orrrr a small family get together thing with yummy confetti cake which I designed and a few presents with an expensive Christmas in December. I chose the latter. I didn't want a huge party anywho. None of my friends did and well it's just not my thing if you know what I mean. :)

October 22 ~ I realize I skipped this. I took my ACT that Saturday. I received my scores a week ago and I scored a Composite score of 23. Which is good considering the highest you could get was a 36. My additional Writing test was a different score of 7 out of a possible 12 points. I did quite well saying it was my first shot. My Composite score also gets me into my first choice college, which is great! I doubt I'll take it again in the Spring ;) ACT down, SAT to go :D

November 21 ~ Did I mention basketball season has begun? No? I'm awfully surprised in myself... well it's started and it's awesome. We have eight people on our varsity team. I play as the point guard. We're a pretty okay team. On November 21 we had our first was also a conference game, so it counted. Big time. Well, we mopped the floor with that team, we had 40 something points well they didn't even have ten. I had many steals and fast break layups. I ended up with 15 points and surprising a few rebounds too! Rebounds? Me? Yep. My girls did great! We played as a team, teamwork really matters a lot to us. Without teamwork, we would fail... But we have teamwork and that's something no one can take away from us. :)

Also, Happy *Early* Thanksgiving! What are you thankful for? I'm thankful for my family, friends, the yummy delicious food I'm going to stuff myself with tomorrow, that the Lord allowed me to wake up and live another day, that we got out of school early today, just well for everything! :)

I hope everyone has a nice and safe Thanksgiving! Safe travels everyone! :) And don't eat too much turkey and yummy food. ;) 
And if you're going out before daybreak on Black Friday, good lucky with that and be careful and have safe travels also~ :)  I for one, am staying in that day...I just might go hunting...I haven't decided :)

*~Keep your lights shining!